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NOTE: This SDK is no longer supported, but you can use it as a template.
We recommend you manually implement our API in your app Found here

Push Xamarin SDK

This is a Xamarin wrapper for the Android SDK.

You can find the source code here.


  • A Firebase Project set up for your app. See the official Firebase docs here.
  • Note: Make sure that the FCM API is enabled on your Firebase Account.


  • iOS is currently not implemented. Called methods will print to the console when run on an iOS device.
  • A Test mode is provided during the alpha phase. This mocks HTTP requests to the System API for basic testing.

Getting Started

Initialize the SDK in your top level Application class


using Com.EverlyticPush;

public class App : Application
    public App()

        MainPage = new MainPage();
        // Initialize with a configuration string
            //.SetTestMode(true) // optional. Default is false
            .Initialize("<your configuration string>");


using Com.EverlyticPush;

public class App : Application
    public App(IntPtr javaReference, JniHandleOwnership transfer) : base(javaReference, transfer)

    public override void OnCreate()
        // Initialize the SDK with a configuration string
            //.SetTestMode(true) // optional. Default is false
            .Initialize("<your configuration string>");

Using the SDK

Subscribing a Contact

If you don’t require a success or fail result:

public void SubscribeContact(string email) 

If you want to get the success or failure result of the subscription call:

public void SubscribeContact(string email) 
    Everlytic.Instance.Subscribe(email, result => 
        // Handle the result. Note this does not return on the main thread

Unsubscribing a Contact

If you don’t require a success or fail result:

public void UnsubscribeContact() 

If you want to get the success or failure result of the subscription call:

public void UnsubscribeContact() 
    Everlytic.Instance.Unsubscribe(result => 
        // Handle the result. Note this does not return on the main thread

Retrieve the Notification History

public void GetNotificationHistory() 
    Everlytic.Instance.GetNotificationHistory(resultSet => 
        // Handle the result set

Basic Customization

  • Change the default icon by adding a ic_ev_notification_small drawable
  • Change the default color by updating the styles.xml colorPrimary property

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