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NOTE: This SDK is no longer supported, but you can use it as a template.
We recommend you manually implement our API in your app Found here

Push Android SDK


You can find the source code here


  • A Firebase Project set up for your app. See the official Firebase docs here.
  • Note: Make sure that the FCM API is enabled on your Firebase Account.

Getting Started

Add the Push Notification SDK

  1. In your module-level build.gradle file, add the following repository
     repositories {
         // other repositories here
         maven {
             url  ""
  2. Add the Push Notification SDK dependency to your build.gradle file, replacing the <version> tag with the current SDK version.

     dependencies {
         implementation '<version>'
  3. Add your Firebase google-services.json to your project

Set Up the SDK

  1. Copy your Push Project SDK configuration string. See Setting Up Your Everlytic Push Project.
  2. Add your configuration string to your AndroidManifest.xml
        <meta-data android:name="com.everlytic.api.SDK_CONFIGURATION" android:value="<your config string>"></meta-data>
  3. Add the following to your Application class
    • Kotlin
        class App : Application() {
           override fun onCreate() {
    • Java
        public class App extends Application {
           public void onCreate() {
  4. If you don’t wish to add your SDK configuration string to your AndroidManifest.xml file, you can pass it as a second parameter to the init function.
     EverlyticPush.init(this, "<config string>");

Using the SDK

Subscribing a Contact


fun subscribe(email: String) {

    // If you don't require a success or fail result
    // Receive the subscribe result
    EverlyticPush.subscribe(email, OnResultReceiver { result ->
        // handle the subscribe result


class MyClass {
    public void subscribe(String email) {
        // If you don't require a success or fail result
        // Receive the subscribe result
        EverlyticPush.subscribe(email, new OnResultReceiver() {
            public void onResult(EvResult result) {
                // handle the subscribe result

Unsubscribe a Contact


fun unsubscribe(){
// If you don't require a success or fail result
    // Receive the subscribe result
    EverlyticPush.unsubscribe(OnResultReceiver { result ->
        // handle the subscribe result


class MyClass {
    public void unsubscribe() {
        // If you don't require a success or fail result
        // Receive the subscribe result
        EverlyticPush.unsubscribe(new OnResultReceiver() {
            public void onResult(EvResult result) {
                // handle the subscribe result

Retrieve the Notification History


fun getNotificationHistory() {

    EverlyticPush.getNotificationHistory(OnNotificationHistoryResultListener { notifications ->
            // Handle the result set



class MyClass {
    public void getNotificationHistory() {
        EverlyticPush.getNotificationHistory(new OnNotificationHistoryResultListener() {
            public void onResult(List<EverlyticNotification> notifications) {

Basic Customization

  • Change the default icon by adding a ic_ev_notification_small drawable
  • Change the default colour by updating your styles.xml colorPrimary value